30º hotels

Rules of coexistence and operation of Pineda Splash 30º hotels


The room will be delivered in favorable conditions. The client undertakes to maintain its order and cleanliness and to deliver it in the same conditions in which it was delivered. Otherwise, the accommodation reserves the right to make an extra charge for cleaning the room.

  • The accommodation is not responsible for lost or forgotten objects.


  1. a) The introduction into the rooms of furniture objects other than those usual and typical for a tourist will not be permitted.
  2. b) The introduction of electrical or gas appliances into the rooms will not be permitted, with the sole exception of those for personal hygiene such as shavers, hair dryers, etc.
  3. c) Users have the obligation to pay the amount of the contracted services at the time of check-in.
  4. d) Personal checks are not accepted as a form of payment for invoices.
  5. e) The Establishment may request prior payment guarantee by credit card for the contracted services, both for the entire reservation and for the extras. (200 euros).
  6. f) The stay of more people than those informed in the admission document by the client will not be admitted.
  7. g) The establishment is not responsible for any possible loss or theft of money or valuable objects stored in the rooms.
  8. h) It will be prohibited to carry out the hosting activity in the rooms or use them for purposes other than those for which they have been contracted, such as: organizing parties, subcontracting accommodation activities to third parties, etc...
  9. i) The Establishment may request prior payment guarantee by credit card for breakages, damages, excessive disorder or extra cleaning, among others (200 euros).